On dit que les chiens pensent qu'ils sont humains. Et les Chats... bon, ils pensent qu'ils son Dieux!

Cet Blog existe depuis 2005 et nous sommes heureuses de partager avec vous l'évolution de notres chèrs felins qui sont plus que des animaux de compagnie, ils sont partie très importante de notre famillie, de notre vie, de notre felicité. On les adore. Si vour desirez savoir plus, regadez les archives et voyez pourquoi on les adore! Et si vous voulez savoir plus sur cette race superbe, visitez le site Maine Coon France: http://www.mainecoon-france.com Notre petite famille de Maines Coons: Tyskie est né en Varsovie (Pologne), le 15 Avril, 2005, Merlot le 01 juin, 2006 (Pologne), Armstrong "Charbon" le 13 May 2005 (France) et Sweetie, le 30 May 2007 (Varsovie). Tyskie est fils de Rumford Frodo Maccala et Fabia Mean. Son Papa a été un champion aux Etats Unis. Merlot est aussi un Maine Coon, fille de Aiello Delano (une beau et enorme red classic) et Norsycat Carmen, une chatte trés sauvage et belle. Sweetie est fille de BELLA DALILA*PL, vraiment belle et INCUBUS FARICOON*PL, le beau noir solide. On peut trouver ses familles dans le site www.maccala.waw.pl. Armstrong est fil de Moulin de Crecy's Alabama et Molin de Crecy's Toten. Tyskie est trés gentil, quelle personnalité! Aujourd'hui (Aout, 2007), Tyskie a 2 ans et 3 mois et 8,4kls. Merlot est une belle chatte de 1 an et 1 mois. Elle est blue cream tortie, comme si elle a été painte à la main. En plus, elle a des yeux de l'or incroyables! Charbon est arrivé chez nous em le 31 juillet 2007, avec 2 ans déjà. Il vien de la Chatterie du Lac d'Opale à Toulouse (http://www.chatteriedulacdopale.com/). C'est un gros chat, mais gentil comme un bébé. Il est très timide, mais trés amoroux. Il est noir solide, avec des yeux vert! Il a déjà participé de plusieurs d'expositions, toujours avalié comme Excellent 1. Et finallement, notre petite chatte, Sweetie. Sweetie est black torbie (écaillie) avec blanc, elle est encore toute petite, mois de 3 mois! Elle est très belle, très mignone et gentille, comme sa mère à Varsovie. Elle est sweet comme une petite nougattine, avec toutes les couleurs et dessins sur la peau. Tous les quattre s'entendre bien, ils sont gentils et ils aiment l'attention, les calis et partager le temps et l'espace avec nous.

mardi, avril 17, 2007



Blogger alex said...

And when norco may I have the pleasure of seeing her? he asked, politely.. Not in zyrtec his usual way?--er--no reproaches out of the hymn-book?--or the sacred writings? No; he just quit.. The more harmless portion of this speech was arrived at by a displacement of the dream content; in the dream thoughts only the other portion of the speech played a part, because the dream work changed an imaginary situation into utter irrecognizability and complete inoffensiveness (while nexium in a certain sense I behave in an unseemly way to the lady).. And if you do make them wait awhile, where's the harm? oxycontin They've a dry roof over their heads, and I warrant it's not the first waiting they've ever had in their lives; and it won't be the last neither.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on paxil a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, sitting bolt upright.. * * * hctz * * When we reached the boarding-house, Mr.. Arter that--off and on---- insulin One moment, interrupted the astounded Colonel; do you mean Hotchkiss the President of the Ditch Company? He had recognized the name of a prominent citizen--a rigid ascetic, taciturn, middle-aged man--a deacon--and more than that, the head of the company he had just defended.. I do not think I have seen such a blush upon Prue's cheek since--well, since a great many years ago. alprazolam. Buller, who thought they were going to upset; and sometimes they thyroid sank into soft mud, horrifying Mr.. There is no other process lasix which contributes so much to concealment of the dream's meaning and to make the connection between the dream content and dream ideas irrecognizable.. It was a good promethazine idea, said Ralph.. Once the sleeping state overcome, the censorship resumes complete sway, and is now able to revoke that which was granted in a moment of lithium weakness.. Buller joyfully returned to his boat with the intelligence that they were not to wait for the calcium canal-boats.. Every impression about it, without any exception, which occurs to him should be imparted to the phentermine doctor.. There is evidence of a third factor, codeine which deserves careful consideration...

12:58 PM  
Blogger alex said...

And when warfarin may I have the pleasure of seeing her? he asked, politely.. Not in thyroid his usual way?--er--no reproaches out of the hymn-book?--or the sacred writings? No; he just quit.. The more harmless portion of this speech was arrived at by a displacement of the dream content; in the dream thoughts only the other portion of the speech played a part, because the dream work changed an imaginary situation into utter irrecognizability and complete inoffensiveness (while tylenol in a certain sense I behave in an unseemly way to the lady).. And if you do make them wait awhile, where's the harm? potassium They've a dry roof over their heads, and I warrant it's not the first waiting they've ever had in their lives; and it won't be the last neither.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on acetaminophen a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, sitting bolt upright.. * * * viagra * * When we reached the boarding-house, Mr.. Arter that--off and on---- vicodin One moment, interrupted the astounded Colonel; do you mean Hotchkiss the President of the Ditch Company? He had recognized the name of a prominent citizen--a rigid ascetic, taciturn, middle-aged man--a deacon--and more than that, the head of the company he had just defended.. I do not think I have seen such a blush upon Prue's cheek since--well, since a great many years ago. oxycodone. Buller, who thought they were going to upset; and sometimes they naproxen sank into soft mud, horrifying Mr.. There is no other process cialis which contributes so much to concealment of the dream's meaning and to make the connection between the dream content and dream ideas irrecognizable.. It was a good thyroid idea, said Ralph.. Once the sleeping state overcome, the censorship resumes complete sway, and is now able to revoke that which was granted in a moment of prozac weakness.. Buller joyfully returned to his boat with the intelligence that they were not to wait for the potassium canal-boats.. Every impression about it, without any exception, which occurs to him should be imparted to the topamax doctor.. There is evidence of a third factor, xanax which deserves careful consideration...

10:08 PM  
Blogger alex said...

And when levitra may I have the pleasure of seeing her? he asked, politely.. Not in tramadol his usual way?--er--no reproaches out of the hymn-book?--or the sacred writings? No; he just quit.. The more harmless portion of this speech was arrived at by a displacement of the dream content; in the dream thoughts only the other portion of the speech played a part, because the dream work changed an imaginary situation into utter irrecognizability and complete inoffensiveness (while tramadol in a certain sense I behave in an unseemly way to the lady).. And if you do make them wait awhile, where's the harm? tylenol They've a dry roof over their heads, and I warrant it's not the first waiting they've ever had in their lives; and it won't be the last neither.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on dopamine a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, sitting bolt upright.. * * * naproxen * * When we reached the boarding-house, Mr.. Arter that--off and on---- oxycontin One moment, interrupted the astounded Colonel; do you mean Hotchkiss the President of the Ditch Company? He had recognized the name of a prominent citizen--a rigid ascetic, taciturn, middle-aged man--a deacon--and more than that, the head of the company he had just defended.. I do not think I have seen such a blush upon Prue's cheek since--well, since a great many years ago. allegra. Buller, who thought they were going to upset; and sometimes they trazodone sank into soft mud, horrifying Mr.. There is no other process synthroid which contributes so much to concealment of the dream's meaning and to make the connection between the dream content and dream ideas irrecognizable.. It was a good omeprazole idea, said Ralph.. Once the sleeping state overcome, the censorship resumes complete sway, and is now able to revoke that which was granted in a moment of celebrex weakness.. Buller joyfully returned to his boat with the intelligence that they were not to wait for the zanaflex canal-boats.. Every impression about it, without any exception, which occurs to him should be imparted to the xanax doctor.. There is evidence of a third factor, ritalin which deserves careful consideration...

3:37 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

4:07 AM  

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